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Lecture 9.4 - Graphon Fourier Transform (WFT)
Signal processing on large graphs; a noncommutative approach to the graphon Fourier transform
Graphon Pooling in Graph Neural Networks
Lecture 9.3 - Graphon Signals
Lecture 3.6 - Graph Fourier Transform
Lecture 10.2 - Convergence of Graph Filters in the node Domain
Graphons, mergeons, and so on!
Sequential decomposition of graphon mean field games
Machine Learning on Large-Scale Graphs
EC'17: Graphons: Nonparametric Method to Model, Estimate, and Design Algorithms for Massive Networks
[ICLR'20] GraphZoom: A Multi-Level Spectral Approach for Accurate and Scalable Graph Embedding
Graphons and Graph Limits 1